Smart Marina


Travel & Local


Smart Marina is the essential mobile application foryachtsmen who wish to navigate the Moroccan coasts in completetranquility. With this app you can search marinasavailable, make reservation requests online, manage your fleet ofboats and even manage the list of your passengers to facilitate the formalitiesof entries and exits.Main features:Search for marinas: easily find marinasavailable in Morocco and find the one that best suits your needs. YOUcan filter your results based on location, servicesoffered or facilities available.Reservation request: make your reservation requestsin a few clicks and receive a confirmation by email notification.Private area: create your private area to manage yourboats and your reservations with ease. You can track the status ofyour reservations, manage the entries and exits of your boats, and even manage thelist of your passengers.Integrated messaging: easily chat withmarina managers through integrated messaging. You can askquestions, request additional information or reportpossible problems.Download Smart Marina Morocco now to planyour next getaway at sea in complete serenity!